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Friday, 7 February 2020

Foolish personality

Hello cohorts, today I am here with a new topic which most of the people have and suffer from because of their complex thinking and attitudes, "Foolishness".They just for the sake of proving themselves right do foolish things and even accept foolish things. This world is full of such kind of people but what we have to do is realize, are we of the same kind or if there's someone who has some qualities of such people. And you have to change yourself first to become a wise person and not let others befool you.

Signs of a foolish person

1. Repetition of the same effort
Yes, buddies, the simplest recognition of a foolish person is they repeat the same effort again and again without even realizing what mistake they have made or what is the problem that is not letting us succeed. Basically, I mean that yes we are putting efforts, for example, you started a business and it failed. Then you read my blog and got motivated and again started a business, failed again. Just because of repeating the same effort. You will say that I did my best I did put all my efforts still failed because you just repeated the same effort and repeating the same effort won't help in getting to your goal, because you are putting the wrong effort. You have to realize the issue and resolve it to reach your destiny, You have to change your actions or your habits to improve your effort.

2. Overconfidence or Over energetics
So, buddies, this is the second category of people, such people are diligent they put a lot of effort, sometimes different or sometimes the same. They fail just because their actions are not in the right direction. You need to put your efforts in the right direction, to get to your goal. As discussed above that business person some people are overconfident. Even if you advise them, they won't listen to you because they are over positive. They have that self-confidence but their self-confidence is overflowing resulting in overconfidence. This is their biggest mistake and biggest blunder because this kind of people limit their minds and thinking to themselves. They close up their mind thinking that they are correct and don't accept any advice from anyone. If I was at his place or if someone wants to be successful what would I have done is, I would have asked for working experience, working pattern, working hours, working structure from any experienced person in this field because such person must be full of knowledge and can replenish your brain with more facts and other things related to that field. Then after coming home i would prepare a list and write all the facts I learned today and will then have modified my plan to my goal according to the facts I got to know today. So, if you feel you have such kind of problem you need to get rid of that bad habit and talk to people who have already face that harsh pathway to your goal and can learn everything about it, just because of their ego or arrogance which is constructing an obstacle in their way to success. Because most of us think that our arrogance or ego is our strength but in actual it is our weakness because that ego is limiting you to your own knowledge and if you are always in a state that you don't know anything and you need to learn everything, then no one can stop you to be successful, mind my words 'no one'. You need to be wild hungry and keep your brain open for knowledge. So you have to decide your plans wisely for your own good!

3.Extra open mind 
Yes, buddies, even an extra open brain is a sign of a foolish person, Because when you open your brain extra, the mind falls out of that brain. You will meet many kinds of people in which some would be very knowledgeable but he will get off the track or topic, so you have to prompt again and again and bring him to the topic to gain information. Then comes your self-control if you let everything inside your brain don't you think your actions will start relying on what knowledge or actions someone has added, then don't you think your actions and outcomes will be controlled by someone externally. Do you think it will help you in any way? No, because maybe they put wrong thoughts, misbeliefs and meaningless things to your brain. Never let anyone control your brain only accept the positive and beneficial saying from anyone, not the negative or meaningless ones to get to your goal.
That's how you can let your brain nourish with good and accurate knowledge which would help you achieve,

So, friends what we conclude from the context is a foolish person is of these three characteristics
1st, ones who don't change their habits. 2nd one who block their mind when it is meant to learn and third who without even questioning what someone has told them just agree with the thing and apply them in their plan. What you have to learn is basically question everything that comes to you if it is beneficial, feed it in yourself and if it is not just run away from or leave those suggestions away. And you will always find such kind of people crying because they trust anyone very easily without even questioning what they have said, without even knowing is that thing practically possible and is it logical. Why do they agree so easily with anyone? because if they don't then they have to use their brain, they have to analyze everything by themselves, they have to put efforts themselves. They are not putting effort, just because they are lazy. There's not much difference between a lazy and a foolish person by laziness I don't mean physical laziness, I mean psychological or mental laziness. The sign of an intelligent or wise person is to question, each and everything anyone wants to put in your brain.
And after that losing something we say that he befooled me, like how can someone befool you until and unless you are letting him do so, no one can make you a fool without your permission, none made you fool, You are a fool, Always remember that be ready to bring a change in yourself, never be egoistic or arrogant and always question everything that comes to you. If you start doing such things none can become an obstacle in your way to your goal. ALL THE BEST, BE HUNGRY!!

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